Let's be honest--the pressure to have a perfect happy life at the holidays (or even just seem like you do!) can make this time depressing, anxiety-ridden and downright painful for some of us. If you already have everything on your holiday list, hooray for you! But even then, the holidays can stir up feelings of emptiness and desire for deeper meaning in your life. And for those perfectionistic high achievers out there, maybe you had thought that achieving external success in your career, in relationships and financially, would make you finally deep down feel worthwhile. But it hasn't worked all that well, which can make you more vulnerable to anxiety and depression at this time of year! And along with the holidays often comes more time with family which can sometimes also be the source of added pressure to be happy and make the holidays live up to the holiday card picture. When we gather with family, when everyone has big expectations, often we can revert back into the r...